Video Tutorial Library
Watch our videos for step-by-step guidance on sending us an online customer form, or using our laboratory data system, PT Central.
Video topics include how to:
- Send a new customer enrollment form
- Make changes to your customer account
- Access reports and enter laboratory data
- And more
Submitting A Customer Enrollment Form
7 minutes 35 seconds
Accessing Reports In PT Central
2 minutes 44 seconds
Reviewing Your Qualitative Evaluation Report
2 minutes 06 seconds
Making Customer Account Changes
4 minutes 37 seconds
Entering Quantitative Results
4 minutes 26 seconds
Reviewing Your Quantitative Evaluation Report
3 minutes 27 seconds
Navigating PT Central
4 minutes 37 seconds
Entering Qualitative Results
3 minutes 33 seconds
WSLH Proficiency Testing Demo Video
15 minutes 07 seconds